Pick Color
Color Information
Hue: 0°
Saturation: 100%
Value: 100%
Understanding Color Formats
Hexadecimal Colors
Hexadecimal (HEX) colors use a six-digit code preceded by a # symbol, representing over 16 million possible colors. Each pair of digits defines the intensity of red, green, and blue components (from 00 to FF). For instance, pure red is represented as #FF0000, while pure blue is #0000FF.
Pro tip: Some HEX codes can be shortened to three digits when each color pair has identical values. For example, #FFFFFF can be written as #FFF for white.
RGB Format
RGB (Red, Green, Blue) colors combine three values ranging from 0 to 255. This format is particularly relevant for digital displays, where each pixel emits these three colors of light. The format rgb(255, 0, 0) creates pure red, while rgb(0, 255, 0) produces pure green.
Using RGB values gives you precise control over each color component and is especially useful when you need to manipulate colors programmatically.
HSL Color Space
HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) offers an intuitive way to think about colors. Hue represents the base color (0-360 degrees), saturation controls color intensity (0-100%), and lightness adjusts how bright or dark the color appears (0-100%).
This format is particularly useful for creating color variations, as you can easily adjust the lightness or saturation while maintaining the same hue.
Using Colors in Web Development
In CSS, you can apply colors using any of these formats:
.element { background: #4b73cb; /* Using HEX */ color: rgb(75,115,203); /* Using RGB */ border: hsl(222,47%,55%); /* Using HSL */ }
Color Picker Tool Guide
- The main gradient area allows you to select color saturation and brightness
- The rainbow slider helps you choose the base hue of your color
- The second gradient bar fine-tunes the selected color's brightness
- Quick-access color presets are available for common colors
- Toggle between uppercase/lowercase HEX codes and include/exclude the # symbol based on your needs
- Copy buttons provide easy access to color values in your preferred format
Best Practices
- Use HEX codes for broad browser compatibility and compact CSS
- Consider RGB when you need to manipulate colors dynamically
- Opt for HSL when working with color schemes and adjusting color properties intuitively
- Keep color consistency by saving and reusing your chosen colors
- Test colors in both light and dark environments for accessibility